Where and how can you use storytelling?It can be used in some of the most important parts of fans' interactions:
1. Feed: Regular stories that appear in your feed that display the personal moments of creator's life, her thoughts, feelings, emotions or fantasies. It can be short posts or a series of them that are all connected by a shared plot.
2. Chatting: Personalized stories that were tailor made for a fan create the sense of exclusivity. It's important to engage your fans in dialogue, so they feel like they belong.
3. Stories: You can tell short daily moments through stories showing both sexy side of a creator and her civil one. It helps building up emotional connection.
4. Live broadcasts: Tell your stories live, answer your fans' questions or share something personal - all of it will help the engagement.
How does storytelling affect sales?Storytelling directly affects sales because through it creator creates direct emotional attachments. When a fan feels like he "knows" the creator, that she shares something unique and personal with him, he becomes more loyal and he's ready to spend more money on exclusive content, personal videos or extras. Stories can also be a reason for purchase: e.g. you can offer a continuation of the story in a paid session or personalize it to fan's request for extra money.
Storytelling also helps in making sales through a "gentle approach" - i.e. instead of a direct advertisement stories lead up to sales organically, making the purchase more conscious and pleasant.
Scripted approach in storytellingOne of the most powerful storytelling tools — are scripts, that are unfolding for a certain amount of time. It can be a series of posts dedicated to a specific topic or a role, which will make fans want to hear and read more.
Pros of scripted stories:- Posts that develop with time make your fans to come back for new parts of the story.
- Each new post can be offered as part of paid content, which will stimulate sales on every stage of the story.
How can storytelling be used in feed management?1. Serialized content: Posting stories as a series — each new post unveils more of the plot. It makes fans come back for more to know how it will end.
2. Creating topics: You can regularly make posts based on specific topics and scripts. E.G. a series of posts where creator tells about her sexual fantasies or creates a roleplaying scripts for fans.
3. Personalized stories: Using your feed to create stories that can be expanded upon in private messages for an extra tip can attract more attention to paid offers and make them more appealing.
4. Challenges and interactions: Interactive posts where fans can influence the story itself can make them want to take a part of it and increase engagement, ergo - potential sales.
By using storytelling in your feed and interactions creator not just sells the content, she build a unique relationship with her fans, which in the long run increases sales and fans' loyalty.
Storytelling on OnlyFans — is a vital instrument for revenue increase and creating of long-lasting relationships. Strategically built stories help engage the audience, make them a part of the process, create emotional bonds and making them loyal which, in turn, converts to sales.
That's why you should make storytelling a part of your OF strategy. Sell content naturally, keep the fans' attention and build a unique brand that will stand out amongst other creators.