Starting point
Completely paid page. Feed posts revenue was around several thousand dollars a month, all sales were due to chatter's work. Most feed posts were just model's lingerie shots.
What did we do
Made 6-8-12 posts a month, familiarized our audience with our model and her personality, developed special feed offers, that are still selling by themselves, with no chatters involved.
Starting point
Paid page with a FTL traffic. The feed only had occasional lingerie or free nude post. Model was managing the page by herself and couldn’t break through the income ceiling.
What did we do
After creating and getting the model legend approved, we started methodically posting. These posts proved to be engaging for the audience, and dialogue engagement metrics increased by 146%. With the help of a solid chatting strategy that we helped to create for the model and six warming-up posts, we managed to collect over $5k on a single post in three weeks.
Starting point
Paid page with a first month discount. No active feed. Model never sold anything through feed, because she was "making fans fall in love with her" and all sales were based on chatters' manipulations.
What did we do
Created a detailed and interesting model legend, cleared up the feed from trash posts. We developed a strategy, using which our feed sales were organic and natural, which actually caused a positive feedback from fans. We made a series of posts that explained why and how in works now, after which we managed to make on post collect $20k.
Do you want the same results?
Submit a request for a free audit, and we will consult you!

.from $2500/month per page.
depending on the scope of work and your goals.
Adult industry veterans since 2017. In 2022 started helping OF models and agencies to earn more through teaching and consulting.

OnlyFeed — is one of our projects.

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